PVC Cables
PATELEC includes in its products several types of Harmonized, and not only, low voltage multicore PVC cables (300/500 V – 450/750 V):
- UL, Australian, Chinese, Japanese Standards (SPT, SV, SJ, VCTF);
- Light, Ordinary and Heavy Duty (VV, VVH2, VCT, VCTFK, V-90- H.D.);
- Outdoor, Oil & Water-resistant (SJTW, SJTOW);
- Heat Resistant (V2V2, V2V2H2);
- Rectractil cords cables (VVH8, VVH2H8);
- Flexible and Extra flexible versions- Class 5 and Class 6;
- Customized cables for specific application.

Rubber Cables
PATELEC offers also a wide range of Harmonized, and not only, LOW VOLTAGE MULTICORE RUBBER CABLES (300/500 V – 450/750 V):
- UL, Australian and Chinese Standards (SV, SJ);
- Light, Ordinary, Heavy (RR, RN);
- Outdoor, Oil, Water resistant & Water Immersion (RN, RN8, SVO, SJW, SJO, SJOW, SOOW);
- High Flex & Extreme Heavy Duty APPLICATION (Patent);
- Heat Resistant (BN4, BB, GG);
- Flexible and Extra flexible versions- Class 5 and Class 6;
- PAH FREE versions.

BQ Cables
Patelec also have available polyurethane cables
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